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Dear Unicure, My daughter has severe eczema on her head and ears. I was at my wits end trying to find something that would keep it under control. A friend of mine gave me a bottle of your product to try and within 2 days my daughters eczema was cleared up! It was AMAZING!! My only problem is, is that I cannot find Unicure any where. Could you PLEASE tell me where i can find it or where I can order it. We have been out for about a month and her eczema is quite bad again. We DESPERATELY need some more!!! I would greatly appreciate it... Thank You, L. C.
Wow! I'm not sure how I ever got by without Unicure. I have super-sensitive, acne-prone skin and now use Unicure instead of soap from head to toe with wonderful results. I also have very long hair ... oily at the roots with a scalp that tends to break out and dry as a bone on the ends. I was skeptical about doing away with shampooing everyday, especially since I got such great results from your Blue Shampoo. But using the Hair and Skin conditioner to clean my hair 5 days a week has proven to be the best thing I have ever done for it. My hair is soft, shiny, less oily and my scalp is clear. The difference it made for my dry, split ends is nothing short of amazing. I use Unicure as a leave-in conditioner on the ends and even when my hair lays against my bare skin for a long period of time, the skin never becomes irritated ... try that with a heavy (and expensive) "salon" conditioner. It is a great moisturizer for any area that tends to break out ...very soothing and never irritating. I never thought I would find such a great product at such a reasonable price. Thank you, Unicure! T.F.
I have been using Unicure for many years because of my scalp problems with psoriasis. Your product has helped me manage this problem with wonderful results.
I want to tell you about my most recent findings regarding Unicure. I recently got a new puppy. He is a Lhasa Apso. If you know anything about these dogs, one trait is that they have hair instead of fur. I also live in an area which is not prone to fleas, so when my dog began itching non stop, I turn to Unicure. His hair is now soft and itch free. This product is wonderful for pets as well. E.G.
I have surfed the web for over 7 years now and bought many products, but I have never found any product that was as true to its' promises as this product, UNICURE "HAIR & SKIN" CONDITIONER. Therefore, this is my first INTERNET testimonial.
To find anything that could (and did) curl, condition and pamper my very damaged and dry AFRICAN-AMERICAN hair was my dream. Well, UNICURE did it and is nothing short of a REAL miracle.
I would heartily encourage anyone that describes their hair as "TOTALLY BEYOND REPAIR AND HOPELESS" to give UNICURE just one try. Believe me, I know how you feel. I have taken out literally thousands of curls over the last 30 years, only to watch them fall limp and lifeless. If they were not limp, they were so crisp from the drying alcohol that I had to very carefully comb them out. Then, of course, when I lost the stiffness, I lost the curl!! My curls did something they had not done since 1968. THEY SNAPPED BACK AFTER I TOOK OUT THE ROLLERS. THEN I RAN MY FINGERS THROUGH THEM!!! UNBELIEVABLE, BUT TRUE!!!!
Unicure is your dream cure. With it, you will sweep your dresser clean of at least 8 - 10 useless products. If your hair could kiss you, it would!!
PS. If your hairdresser does not know about this fabulous product, do her/him a really big FAVOR! Take it with you on your next visit and don't let them use anything but UNICURE on your hair to detangle, condition, roller set or blow dry. Get ready for them to ask you "what is REALLY going on?"
I welcome your questions and comments, so feel free to e-mail me at tibnuq@cox.net Don't delay, buy it today, and tell everyone you know about UNICURE!!
I want to tell you my story. My daughter developed psoriasis on her scalp at about the age of 4. She would scratch and dig till her scalp would bleed and scales were all through her hair. The kids at school were very mean, saying don't touch her, calling her names, she hated school and hardly had any friends. After many try's to the Doctors, skin specialists and using countless shampoos and prescriptions, nothing helped. I over heard a beautician at a nursing home tell someone to use Unicure conditioner for psoriasis and I thought it couldn't hurt. I bought a bottle and rubbed some on each spot before she went to bed. When she awoke she said "Mom, my head didn't itch very much last night. I said get the bottle and we'll put on some more if it helps with the itching. I started to separate her hair and couldn't believe what I saw. There was no scales! All there was was just a pinkish coloring to the scalp where each spot of psoriasis was. Overnight, just one night and it was under control. It is amazing both my daughter and I thank you for your wonderful miracle product. Sincerely, B.F.
I want you to know that I have been using unicure for 30 years. I will not be without this wonderful product. My son is a c.p. child and the Doctor could not understand why he didn't have break down of the skin as much as he sits in a wheelchair and it's because I have always used unicure on him and I use it myself on my hair. I get a perm every 6 weeks and the beautician can not believe the condition of my hair it is very soft and I have never had my hair fall out because of the perms. I have used the same beauty shop for almost 20 years. I would love to help anyone I can with this product. Thank you again for the product. I just order 5 cases two days ago. Thank you Charlotte
I must say, I bought a bottle of your product at K-Mart, on a whim, thinking it was just another gimmick thing. I read the bottle and figured, what the hell, just another thing saying that it is the best in hair care. Was I wrong!!!! With out a doubt, Unicure is the best hair stuff I have ever used!!! I used it one time, my hair was great, I used it again and it was greater. I am a male with very long hair and was truly amazed with Unicure. I have spent hundreds on Nexxus, Biolage and all the others, your stuff works. My wife says it feels good on her skin, too. I think you should sell bigger bottles of it. Thanks. - B.F.
I have been a Unicure user for over two years and recommend it to everyone. I have found a use for it that you may not be aware of. The conditioner has wonderful healing properties on cold sores. I have tried it three times now and each time I used it at the first sign of tingling. The cold sore never developed and my lip was never unsightly of puffy. I put it on about 3 times a day for three days. What a wonderful product. C.R.
Thank you for the newsletter and the update. I have used the Unicure Skin and Hair Conditioner for at least 20 years. I just love the stuff. I buy several bottles every time I find it in a store. Yes, I did have a tough time finding it in the Kmart stores. My sister and niece had gotten away from using Unicure but I am happy to say they are back using it and finally realize how good the product is .... it is wonderful. It is so good for the skin and the scalp. If your scalp is healthy so is the hair. My niece says that she no longer has dry, flaky scalp. She has also noticed that her hair is healthier. What she probably hasn't noticed yet is that her skin is healthier. I also use the skin and hair conditioner as a makeup/mascara remover. It's not oily so it leaves no residue. Your skin feels so clean. I've tried to get pet owners to try it on there pets to condition their pets skin and coat. It would help with the dry skin so many pets develop. Some areas of the country have different water conditions causing a problem with getting the shampoo residue out of the hair ... Unicure skin and hair conditioner does this ... it helps to clean and condition the hair.
Can you tell that I love the stuff. Thank you for the fine products that you have ... more people need to use it... I will order an extra bottle for a neighbor to use on her daughters hair. She was having a problem with it. I told her she would be happy with the results. I will have you a new user .... Thank you, J.V.
I really love your Unicure Conditioner and have a problem finding it. I live in a rural and cannot find it where I live and would like to order. I have Rosacea and use your product to clean my face. I also use it for shaving and hair. Thank you, C.J.
I've been wearing a hair piece for years and have tried all the conditioners out there and NOTHING compares to Unicure! I mean, here is a product that keeps dead, lifeless hair looking beautiful and healthy, trust me if it will make a two year old hair piece look good just think what it will do for your hair! Also it's the best after sun lotion I've tried and if you have allergies like me you'll like the fact that it has no perfumes, its so good to have this product back I never want to be without it again! Thanks Unicure. T.L
Thank goodness you have returned!!!!!! My sister-in-law and I have sworn by Unicure since the 80's since we discovered the product. She has thick, course, unmanageable hair; I have fine, thin hair which is weighted too heavily by "ALL" other products. We saw our favorite product slowly disappear from the shelves and we were devastated. We have tried to live without it but since that time I have been the one to have the need to start covering some early grays. As you can imaging, any type of coloring is very damaging to my hair. I was at the point of despair last Thursday when combing the shelves at all the stores and beauty supply outlets in my area. Then I found Unicure at Kmart (not available there anymore). I have a cell phone which I never use except in emergencies. I grabbed it from my purse and promptly called my sister-in-law. We are both ecstatic!! I cannot believe we had not thought of the Internet sooner to locate our beloved product.... Now I won't forget!! As you can imaging Unicure has taken years of abuse off my hair with just a few days use. Thank you so much. A.P.
I have been using Unicure daily since the 70's. I use it for everything - it truly is the miracle hair and skin conditioner. It's also great for massages. I can't live without it. Recently the local retailers where I had always purchased Unicure told me it had been discontinued. I became most upset and would only use my remaining Unicure sparingly. Out of desperation, knowing my last bottle was about to end I located you on the Internet and I hope your product goes on forever. I have introduced more friends and family members to Unicure and we all feel the same. So glad I found you here! D.P.
I just had to write and tell you how fantastic you Unicure Hair and Skin Conditioner is. I’ve been using it since 1980 -- It’s the only conditioner I will use! I have long hair and I have tried every conditioner on the market. Nothing comes close to Unicure. I cannot live without you product. -- K. S.
About a year ago, I began using your hair & skin conditioner product. Up until this time, I had been trying every hair product I could find for dry hair and still had no good results. I cannot express adequately what a difference your product has made in my hair. It is wonderful. -- P. G.
This is a letter to praise your product of Unicure. Never before have I taken the time to write about a product I’ve tried but then I’ve never found anything as wonderful before. I’ve been using Unicure for a little over a year and it does everything you claim and more. My first reaction was "no one product can do so many things." I decided to use and see and believe me I’m sold. My family and I use it daily. We have a bottle in each bathroom and also one in the kitchen. Some uses you didn’t mention were "bee stings." Fantastic - takes the sting right out and reduces swelling. "Scalded feet" soreness disappears over night. Also took a bottle to the hospital with me during a recent confinement for back problems. I sold the therapist on it for my back massage and when the nurses saw what it did for my elbows, feet and also a bad rash from drug allergy they were sold too. Thanks for this product. -- S. R.
I have been a Unicure user for twenty some years and have turned on many people to your product. At first I could only get it through a beautician and would buy it by the case at $6.00 per bottle. My daughter use to have severe dandruff and after using your product it disappeared. -- B. M.
My son has dandruff and all other shampoos and conditioners we have used do not help. We have used products prescribed by our Doctor and these products of yours are the only ones that help. Thank you, -- N. B.
I’m writing to tell you that I think your Hair & Skin Conditioner is fantastic! I’ve been using it for a long time now and won’t use anything else. It’s so unusual to have a product that will condition your skin as well as your hair and to help ease sunburn pain, remove make-up etc. I rave to everyone about your product and I think more people should know just how good a product it is. -- P. W.
I have very sensitive skin and have found that Unicure is the only hair conditioner I can use and I also use it daily as a skin conditioner. I have spent a lifetime telling all my friends and family about it and have really come to rely on it myself. -- H. N.
I’ve used Unicure conditioner for over 20 years - started when I was swimming competitively every day for several hours. Unicure was the only hair conditioner that would neutralize the effects of chlorine. Now I use it because I have two girls and Unicure is a terrific de-tangler and really makes the hair smell nice and look shiny. I still use it, too - to shave my legs (it’s wonderful for that) and also, as a hair conditioner. -- C. C.
I’ve been using Unicure conditioner since 1979. My hair is 36" long and the only product I can trust and attest to is Unicure. Believe me, I’ve tried everything under the sun! -- K. B.
Just received my case of Unicure today...THANK GOD!!!!!!! I was so worried that I couldn’t find my favorite product...and you came to my rescue. Since talking to you on the phone last week and receiving my new replenishment, I have done nothing but talk to family, friends and co-workers about my utter happiness with your product. (I am a 20 year devoted user!) Although I use Unicure for many different needs, my favorite is for taking my make-up off. I’ve tried my friends "Fancy" brands....some they have paid over $50 for and nothing compares to Unicure. I am also a contact lens wearer and someone who suffers from allergies so I am very careful what comes near my eyes.... UNICURE does it all!!!!!! I know I sound like an ad for your product but it is all sincere joy at Unicure’s ability and how it has made my life different. Thank you for still allowing us to buy the best product in the world. Don’t ever stop!!! -- M. P.
I have long curly, hard to manage hair and I can’t live without this product. I have tried different products on the market but nothing works as well as Unicure. I have small children and the other marketed items just don’t agree with the children. We even use it for sunburn.-- K. K.
My family of four can't live without Unicure Conditioner, we all have long curly hair and need Unicure to eliminate aggravating tangles - RT
I've tried everything on the market and nothing has worked like Unicure for my hair and skin. My son is now a teenager and he has bad acne, we couldn't believe that it has started to disappear since he started using your product on his skin. Thank you for such a wonderful product. - WB
I've been using the conditioner since 1973. I first started using it on a toupee I wore. The hair piece was trashed 26 years ago but I kept using the conditioner as a face moisturizer, in the shower and for sun burn. I'm a 47 yr. old male and my face skin is basically wrinkle free and as soft as a baby ... the results are now truly being seen and felt just ask my girlfriend.
For quite some time I have been recommending your hair & skin conditioner for my patients who have undergone breast augmentation. I have found it is the most desirable lotion for the ladies breast massage. My patients have always been able to obtain your product ... but for some reason the stores no longer carry it. This news was indeed distressing to me because there is not really a suitable substitute for your product. It is desirable because it does not leave the skin feeling sticky and caked after the massage using Unicure hair & skin conditioner. I would like to buy a case ... please notify me with the cost so that I can make arrangement for payment.
Your Hair & Skin Conditioner is nothing short of fantastic. I have never had anything that not only makes my hair nice without giving me dry scalp. Only 1 problem. I can't find it anymore. I bought the last two bottles at a store. Could you please let me know where I can buy more? Or if I could purchase direct from you. I would order a full case or whatever it takes. Love your products. Please write me details. R.M.
I have been a fan of yours for years. However, I am having a great deal of trouble finding the products I have used in the past. I Live in California and have found them at "Alpha beta" and "Thrifty Stores" in the past. However, they no longer carry them. If you could please tell me where in my area I could find the items I have grown to depend on I would be very thankful. You "Hair & Skin Conditioner" and your "Blue Shampoo", are my favorites. S.D.
I've wanted to write this letter a long time, but procrastinated, because your product was readily available for me. For 7 years, I've used your product every day on my hair, although I bleach it every 6 weeks, it feels as soft as a child's. Please don't ever change your formula or add perfume. Leave it as it is, but I'm having a terrible time finding it in the stores. I've recommended your product to friends, who are having a problem finding it also. Please either start stocking better (where are your Sales Reps?) or allow me to buy from you direct by the case. Your attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated. B.K
Boy, you folks are hard to track down ... partly because of my own stupidity! I've been using Unicure skin and hair conditioner for quite a while now, always transferring it into a pump container for convenience. Net result: I no longer have the original bottle with you address on it. The dilemma: the stores in this area suddenly stopped carrying it!!! Frankly, Unicure is absolutely the best product of its type I've ever used, and I'd sure like to get more. I've checked all the major chain drug and grocery stores in the area, but no soap, and no Unicure. The question: can you furnish me with either the name of a retail outlet in the Salinas/Monteray are, or with the name of a distributor who might tell me WHO carries Unicure hereabouts.? If neither of those work, do you ever sell by mail to the retail trade? I'd want to buy perhaps a dozen pints under those circumstances. To let you know how serious I am, I've written two cosmetic trade associations (which can only supply the names of their members), and called the U.S. Registrar of Trademarks, who were supposed to get back to me, but never did. I'll be immensely pleased to hear from you ... unless you're going to say that Unicure is no longer in production. C.C.
I just want to let you know how much I like your "Superstar" Conditioner. The name fits! I have used your product for two years. I have very long hair and have problems with the ends being dry, or should I say "had" ever since I have been using your "Superstar". That is the only conditioner I have used in two years. I love it! I also use it on my dairy goats just before I take them to the show ring. I dilute the "Superstar" with water (half & half) in a spray bottle and spray them (the goats) all over and then rub with a towel and they shine like the morning sun. I have several Grand and reserve Champions last year, I can't give you all the credit for that but I sure can't say that it didn't help. I told a friend of mine to use the "Superstar" on her show horses manes and tails. She tried it and she thinks it's "Fantastic," removes all of the tangles and puts body in it. She said their tails flowed in the wind when being ridden. I just went to the store and found it on sale and bought ten bottles of Superstar, that is how much I like your product! Thanks for the Conditioner ~ P.H.
We have been using your "Hair & Skin" Conditioner for over five years now. It is quite a superior product! I am writing you this letter to let you know (you won't believe this) but conditioner is an excellent remedy for hemorrhoids! My friend had developed a "hemmy" a couple of years ago and has tried various over-the-counter drugs with NO RELIEF whatsoever. One day after a shower; he decided to moisten his "hemmy" with Unicure, WHAT A RELIEF! He has been using only Unicure ever since! This has been over a year now since he discovered this usage of Unicure and the results are incredible! All he has to do is use Unicure after every shower and elimination: the "hemmy" doesn't bother him at all. Even on hot and sticky days or when he is sitting or traveling. As long as he keeps it moistened with Unicure, the "hemmy" does not irritate. When I say "moistened" I do not mean "slimy wet" just a small amount to soothe. We wanted to let you know about this product, because it is absolutely amazing ... we cannot believe what relief it provides. I know my friend will never use anything else! ~ DS
I have baby fine hair. Everyone has told me for years, "You need a perm." But every time I would get a perm, I always swear I never would get another one. Within a week it would look like cotton candy and feel like a Brillo pad. Since I discovered your Unicure Products, I keep a perm in my hair, on top of that I keep my hair frosted! My hair feels baby soft. Your products are great! I think they were made just for me.! I also use it under my makeup, after being in the sun and after my bath. It makes you feel good all over. My daughter, (poor thing) has hair just like mine. With the faith that I put in your products I let her get her first perm (she's only six years old). Her hair looks great! People I don't even know come up and ask where she had it done. I tell them but I also have to tell them they need to use the Unicure products to get the same effect. I have tried just about all the shampoos and conditioners on the market but none of them come close to yours! The reason I am writing this letter is because I have a hard time finding your products. Most of the time I have to drive far just to purchase your products. PLEASE tell me that your products are still going to be available in this area!?! And PLEASE tell me where!?! -- A Customer for life. ~ D.L
I am a very satisfied customer of long standing. Having long, waist length hair as a teenager, I tried many products but always returned to my standby, Unicure. Now married, my hair is shorter, but I have 4 daughters with long hair, also I have 3 sons, who wear their hair long (by most people's standards). We especially love the conditioner and use it as a skin lotion too. We have lived all over the United States and have always been able to find your products, and at a very economical price. However, we recently moved to a sparsely populated area.... Luckily I bought 12 bottles each of the shampoo and conditioner. I usually buy in quantity with 7 children. But much to my dismay our supply is running very low and I cannot find Unicure anywhere in this area. There are not allot of the usual shopping choices like K-Mart, etc., here. So I am writing to inquire as to whether I might get the products directly from you. I'll be anxiously waiting for your answer. ~ N.C.
Please do not leave this part of the country as I have allergic reactions to most of the other products on the market and Unicure treats me well, but cannot find it and am getting nervous. Thank you. ~ P.B
I need some of that Miracle stuff ASAP. Please tell me how to order a box. ~ J.L
For about 8 years I used your shampoo and conditioner every day. It worked better than any other product I had used. The conditioner seems to be the best skin conditioner on the market. After sunning, showers or just as a hand cream. I'm happy to find it again. Thanks for your product. ~ G.K.
My late father was a barber for over 35 years and when I developed sebboric dermatitis he recommended that I try Unicure's "Blue Shampoo" and "Hair & Skin" Conditioner. It has a mild effect on the scalp and yet stronger cleaning power. For me Unicure is a must. Other shampoos, even milder forms, still contain something which irritates and inflames the skin causing unbearable itching and unsightly dandruff. I have used your product for over 15 years on a daily basis and have been very pleased. My wife has also developed the Unicure habit. When I went to the one store in my area that sold Unicure products they had stopped carrying them and no one knew why. I was really scared until I thought of looking for you on the web. You really don't know how necessary your product is to me. I'm writing at night but in the morning I'm sending in my order! ~ M.B.
I can't believe I found you! Help! I need my Unicure!!! Unicure is the only product I have ever used on my hair since I was a baby! Now, it's all GONE!! Everywhere in my area they have taken Unicure off of the shelves. I can't find it anywhere. I am helpless. My hair has been without Unicure for 6 months now and let me tell you, I'm ready to shave it all off! My hair is greasy, dull, ... lifeless. I am getting married in 8 months and I want my hair back to the way it used to be. I used to get compliments on my hair all of the time because it was so healthy and shiny. I would always tell everyone, it's the UNICURE! The best hair product ever. I don't know how I could ever than you enough. ~ K.O.
I had been without Unicure Conditioner for several months when my mother sent me a desperately needed supply, the first time I went to go have my hair cut after about 3 weeks of using Unicure again my hair stylist asked me what I'd done to my hair because it was so much more full and healthy than it had been in the past. She said the product obviously does a great job - I couldn't agree more. ~ S.W.
Help me please!!!!! I am desperate. I am trying to locate some place to purchase my Unicure conditioner and shampoo. I need my Unicure. It is the only product that I have used on my hair that works. I have been without for about 4 weeks now and I can sure tell the difference in my hair. I have recommended your product to all my clients, when I had a shop, and now they are calling me to find out where they can find you again???? Please help. Thank you. ~ L.B.
I've been in hair care for over 25 years and to this day I have never found a product like Unicure. It's SUPER STUFF. I love it. ~ L.
Just wanted to drop you a line to tell you that your Hair & Skin Conditioner is amazing!!!! I can't live without it. I've tried almost every type of salon conditioner, but nothing is like Unicure. Thanks so much! ~ L.
I can longer find your hair and skin conditioner. It's the only one that I can use because of skin allergies. Thank you. ~ F.D.
We live in a mountain resort village and have found that the altitude and climate takes the moisture out of our skin and hair. We have noticed a great difference in the appearance of both our skin and hair after finding and using the hand and body conditioner. Our skin was becoming very wrinkled and therefore we were beginning to look older than our age. Thanks to the conditioner, we both look and feel much better and can't do without this product. ~ D.M.
I have purchased Unicure for years at Beauty Co. because I have a license. My younger son and I both have allergies and we can't use anything else. I am so glad we stumbled on your web site. Thank you. ~ J.K.
Help! Help! I have been a customer of Unicure hair care products for YEARS!! Specifically, the hair and skin conditioner AND the regular shampoo. You see, I have VERY sensitive skin. I use your hair and skin conditioner in my daily bath. I won't say that Unicure is the ONLY product I can use but it is my skin cleanser of choice. ~ D.V.
Something happened I just had to let you know about. Friday, my wife had invited some ladies from the auxiliary, from the VFU, to come over and start on a quilt which is being raffled later. I was trying to fix up some extra lights. I was holding a pair of needle nose pliers - they slipped and my 4th index finger really got pinched. It started to turn blue. For a lack of something else to use, I said "why not use Unicure," so I did. I looked at it and low and behold! The blue was gone and by the time we ate lunch 90% of the hurt was gone. How about that. -- C.S.
My mom and I both started using Unicure conditioner in 1980 and have been loyal ever since. We use it for everything - a skin and facial moisturizer, a makeup remover, and a conditioner, both rinse out and leave in. Its always been difficult to find but we've always searched until we found it ` there's nothing better on the market. Thank you for this web site - now we can always find it!~ E.H.